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Boards & Commissions

Details and contact information.

Boards & Commissions

Find information about the board, meetings and contact information


The Reidsville City Council appoints interested citizens to serve on eight standing Boards & Commissions for the City. The Mayor appoints members to the New Reidsville Housing Authority. All vacancies are advertised in the local newspaper.


Application forms can be secured online, by calling 349-1030 or by visiting the City Clerk's Office at City Hall, 230 W. Morehead Street. 


Applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the last working day of the month prior to the month the vacancy will be considered by Council/Mayor. 


Each applicant must get an endorsement signature from either a Council member or from a member of the board or commission to which he or she is applying. 


Please note that these positions are strictly voluntary, but members must adhere to the City's Code of Ordinances, which states that they cannot miss three meetings in a row or four meetings during a 12-month period. These are not paid positions although the Planning Board/Board of Adjustment does receive a small $50.00 monthly stipend.

ABC Board


The ABC Board is responsible for the operation of the Reidsville ABC Store located at 102 Durwood Court. A second store has been built at 150 Diesel Drive, but the second store has been closed indefinitely.


​​Number of Members: 3

Term of Office: 3 years

Time of Meeting: 9:00 a.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month at the Reidsville ABC Store.

Member Qualifications: Must reside within the corporate limits of Reidsville; bondable.

Current Vacancies: No Vacancies.

ABC Board

Appearance Commission


The Reidsville Appearance Commission is concerned with the beautification and appearance of the City, specifically making a careful study of the visual problems and needs of Reidsville and the area comprising the extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction of the City. The Commission makes plans and carries out all programs that will enhance and improve the visual quality and aesthetic characteristics of the City and surrounding area. For more information about the board, you can call 336-349-1066.


Number of Members: 8

Term of Office: 3 years

Time of Meeting: 4:00 p.m. on the 4th Thursday of the month in the 1st-Floor Conference Room, City Hall.

Member Qualifications: Be a resident of the City but Council may appoint up to 2 non-City members who reside within Rockingham County and live no further than three miles from the primary Reidsville City limits.

Current Vacancies:  Five


"We've Noticed" Program: The Reidsville Appearance Commission "We've Noticed" Program, seeks to recognize citizens who have displayed pride and dedication towards the community through the appearance and upkeep of their property. Citizens may be nominated for recognition by emailing the Planning & Community Development Department at with the subject "We've Noticed" Program.  Nominations should include the nominee name, address, and a picture of the yard or property to be recognized. 


Each month one "We've Noticed" Program nominee shall be recognized as having the Yard of the Month. The Reidsville Appearance Commission has the pleasure of selecting the Yard of the Month winner. The nominee selected for having the Yard of the Month will receive a certificate of recognition and appreciation on behalf of the Reidsville Appearance Commission, and their yard shall be posted with a Yard of the Month sign.   



Firemen's Relief Board


The Firemen's Relief Board administers the investment of the annual Firemen's Relief Fund and handles the distribution in emergency situations.

Number of Members: 5 (two appointed by Council, Two appointed by Fire Department and one appointed by the State Insurance Commissioner)

Term of Office: 2 years

Time of Meeting: Quarterly


Member Qualifications: Considerable knowledge of current investment procedures.

Current Vacancies: None


Historic Preservation Commission

The mission of the Reidsville Historic Preservation Commission is to promote the sound and orderly preservation of historic areas and properties which embody important elements of social, economic political or architectural history for the enrichment of all citizens and to enhance property values within historic areas.

Number of Members: 7

Term of Office: 2 years

Time of Meeting: 6:00 p.m. on the 3rd Thursday of the month, City Council Chambers, City Hall



The City of Reidsville has two Historic District, the Old Post Road Historic District and the Governor Reid Historic District.  The Districts are unique for being largely intact examples of domestic architecture and city planning from just prior to the turn of the previous century up to the beginning of the Second World War.  They reflect the styles of the time, ranging from Queen Anne to the popular Foursquare and Craftsman bungalow structures, as well as the prosperity of Reidsville's days as an important tobacco products producing center.


If you own property in one of the historic districts and you are planning to change the exterior appearance of your home you may need to apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness.   The Reidsville Historic Preservation Commission has approved Architectural and Historic Standards to be followed when exterior work is being perform.   

The following are a few examples of what you might need a Certificate for:

  • Installation of fences

  • Landscaping projects

  • Construction or replacement of accessory items, such as walks, driveway, etc.

  • Repair or replacement of roofing

  • Painting exterior of structure when there is a change in color

  • Repair or replacement of the foundation, storm windows, doors, siding, stairs, landings, etc.

  • New construction or additions to structures


For further assistance or to apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness you may contact the Planning and Community Development Department at 336-349-1066.


Additional responsibilities of the Historic Preservation Commission is the maintenance and upkeep of the historic Governor Reid House.  Further, the Commission would like to invite you to take a walking tour of the districts.  


A Walking Tour brochure may be obtained by clicking (here). 


For your convenience, the Historic and Architectural Guidelines and application to apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness may be found under the Document Center link.


Member Qualifications: Resides within corporate limits of the City of Reidsville

Vacancies: One Open Position â€‹


Certificate of Appropriateness Application


Housing Authority


The Reidsville Housing Authority performs as the governing body of the Authority, adopting all policies and procedures for the administration of the Housing Authority, located at 924 Third Avenue, and providing general supervision to ensure that these policies, procedures and regulations related to the Low-Income and Section 8 Housing Programs of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development are followed.

Number of Members: 7

Term of Office: 5 years

Time of Meeting: 12 noon on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 924 Third Avenue


Current Vacancies: None (Mayor Appointed)


Human Relations Commission


The Human Relations Commission serves as an advisory body to the whole community of Reidsville on matters of broad community concern, including research and education rather than investigation. The Commission does not serve as a grievance board. If you have questions about this board, you may call the City Manager's Office, 336-349-1030.
Number of Members: 11

Term of Office: 3 years

Time of Meeting: 6:30 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday of every month, 1st-Floor Conference Room, City Hall. (Typically members vote not to meet during the summer months.)


Member Qualifications: Seven members must be City residents while of the other four positions, up to 2 non-City members can reside within Rockingham County no further than three miles from the primary Reidsville City limits, while the other two student positions must be students of a high school located in Rockingham County.

Current Vacancies: Two Student Positions for those attending a high school in Rockingham County.


Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission


The Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission is an advisory board which makes recommendations to City Council and the Parks & Recreation Director concerning recreational planning, promotion and development for the City. For more information about this board, you can call the Parks & Recreation Department at 336-349-1090.

Number of Members: 7

Term of Office: 3 years

Time of Meeting: The fourth Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. or as needed at the Recreation Center Conference Room, 201 N. Washington Avenue.

Member Qualifications: Membership is primarily City residents with no more than 1-2 non-City members who reside within Rockingham County no further than three miles from the primary Reidsville City limits.

Current Vacancies: Six

Parks & Rec

Planning Board/Board of Adjustment


The Planning Board is an advisory board to City Council, which makes recommendations concerning proposed rezonings, zoning ordinance text amendments, conditional use permit applications and special use permit applications.  The board establishes procedures and standards for the development and subdivision of land within the territorial jurisdiction of Reidsville.


The Board of Adjustment is a "Quasi-Judicial" Board.  The board's responsibilities are to hear appeals from the review and any order, requirement or decision made by the Zoning Enforcement officer, to grant Special Use Permits as required by the zoning ordinance and to grant variances from the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance when practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships result from carrying variance requests and appeals from the Zoning Ordinance.  The Community Development Manager serves as the Zoning Enforcement Officer for the City. 


Number of Members: 7, including one Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction (ETJ) member

Term of Office: 5 years

Time and Place of Meeting: 6 p.m. on the 3rd Wednesday of the month in Council Chambers, Reidsville City Hall.


Member Qualifications: Six members must reside within the City limits while the 7th member must reside in the City's Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction (ETJ) area.

Vacancies: None


The Planning & Zoning Division of the Planning and Community Development Department provides technical assistance to the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment. For more information about the board, you can call 336-349-1065.


Reidsville Community Pool Association (RCPA)


The Reidsville Community Pool is a joint project of the City of Reidsville and the Reidsville YMCA. The Community Pool Association (RCPA) is the administering Board of Directors for the pool and oversees the adoption of its budget.


Number of Members: 9 (3 appointed by the City, 3 appointed by the YMCA and 3 are at-large members)

Term of Office: 3 years

Time of Meeting: 7:30 p.m. on a bi-monthly basis on the 2nd Tuesday at the YMCA or as needed.

Current Vacancies: Three

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