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It's time to apply for the 2020 Team Reidsville Training Camp!
UPDATE: Due to concerns regarding COVID-19, the City has decided to postpone the Training Camp. The health and safety of our citizens and employees must come first. The Training Camp may be rescheduled for later in the year or will return in the spring of 2021. We will send out additional information when the Training Camp is rescheduled.
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Encouraged by the positive feedback from last year’s citizen’s academy, the City of Reidsville is gearing up for the 2020 Team Reidsville Training Camp.
Applications are currently being accepted for this year’s training camp, which begins Tuesday, March 24, and
consists of seven consecutive weeks of learning sessions, ending with “graduation” at the Reidsville City Council’s May 12th meeting.
“Our first citywide citizens academy in 20-plus years that we held in 2019 was very successful,” said Training Camp Coordinator & City Clerk Angela Stadler. “We had a mixture of new and long-time residents, many of whom didn’t know about many of the services that the City provides. We used an interactive format as much as possible, and I think our residents really enjoyed it.”
The Training Camp is open to any adult aged 16 or older who lives inside the City limits. Sometimes this can be confusing to people who have a Reidsville address but don’t actually live inside the corporate limits, Stadler said. Participants also have to commit to attending a majority, if not all, of the weekly sessions. Plans are to limit the number to no more than 11 residents.
All applications must be turned in by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17, a week before the citizens academy begins on March 24. The applications are available online at reidsvillenc.gov through the Quick Links button or at riseupreidsville.com. Hard copies of the application will also be available at different City facilities, including Reidsville City Hall, the Police Department, Fire Station #1, the Parks & Recreation Center and RCARE. Those selected will be notified by email on Wednesday, March 18.
Upon graduation, these residents will become only the City’s second set of recognized Training Camp MVPs. Each graduate will receive a certificate and Team Reidsville MVP t-shirt.
Each Tuesday night session will start at 5:30 p.m., ending no later than 8 p.m. A light meal will be provided during the first seven sessions.
The March 24th class will kick off with a welcome from Reidsville Mayor Jay Donecker. In this “Reidsville Rocks!” session, participants will be given a brief history of the City, learn about the form of government here in Reidsville and the different roles of the City Manager and City Council and hear about the City’s logo and branding.
Other Tuesday night sessions will focus on planning and economic development, including the City’s Main Street program; emergency management services, such as Police and Fire, City budgeting and Human Resources, along with Information Technology; Public Works; and Parks & Recreation. Several of the sessions will feature hands-on activities and tours of City facilities.
To learn more about the Team Reidsville Training Camp, please contact Angela Stadler at 336-349-1040 or email her at astadler@reidsvillenc.gov. Applications must be received no later than March 17, 2020. They can be emailed to Stadler at astadler@reidsvillenc.gov, faxed to (336) 342-3649 or be mailed or delivered in person to Stadler at Reidsville City Hall, 230 W. Morehead Street, Reidsville, or you can fill out the online application below.
Apply Online
For Questions Contact:
Angela G. Stadler, City Clerk
230 W. Morehead Street, Reidsville, NC 27320
(336) 349-1010 Fax (336) 342-3649
EMAIL: astadler@reidsvillenc.gov
Thank you for applying to Team Reidsville Training camp, an interactive Citizens Academy designed to help Reidsville resident learn more about their City government in a fun yet informative way. A light meal will be provided at each learning session. You must be an adult aged 16 or older living within the Reidsville City / corporate limits to attend Training Camp. Only 11 spots open.
All applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 online or at the above address for those wanting to attend the spring Training Camp or by email to astadler@reidsvillenc.gov. You can also fill out an online applications on the City's website, reidsvillenc.gov via Quick Links to find the app. By submitting this application, you are indicating that you can attend all seven Tuesday night learning sessions to be held from 5:30-8 p.m. March 24, March 31, April 7, April 14, April 21, April 28, May 5 and the recognition / graduation on May 12 at the Reidsville City Council meeting. Questions? Call Angela at 336-349-1040. You will be notified if your application is accepted.